Monday, February 18, 2008


My brother Stan and his beautiful wife Jacque, and handsome son Shayne and his gorgeous wife Kelli and two incredibly beautiful and gifted daughters, Kylee and Sydnie are visiting for a few days. They did Legoland on Saturday and Sunday we went to the San Diego Harbor to see the ships. My brother is a ship nut so we did the Maritime Museum (5 cool boats). The men and Kylee did the Midway (which Stan loved) and Kylee managed all the ladders and walking just fine thank you. Jacque and Kelli and Sydnie and I headed for Seaport Village. We rarely go there on weekends and we didn't know what we were missing. There were kiteflying demo's, a bunch of live parrots and alot of people. I got my first henna tattoo, which was a little bigger than I wanted and turned out a light orange instead of black . But I can cross another thing off my list of "Things to do before I die". The list is getting short-- I need to add more things to it.
Some very drunk? AARP members dancing around the bandstand kept a large number of people entertained.

Nanny McFee was very big at the condo this weekend.

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