Friday, January 30, 2009


There is a great Antique Mall in Solana Beach. Tried for an hour
to figure out how we could get this set of antique desks home. Finally gave up.

Can't beat a red Christmas Tree
Always wanted a good "Seed" box

Took lessons for 3 years and this is piano is just about my speed.

Lots of Fiesta Ware

For boiling Eggs. Would have bought this to go with my collection but not for $50.

I bought a furnished doll house, 6 Barbies and over 100 outfits for $50. at a garage sale. This
one is tagged $449.00.

Cute small cash register
Love this children's stove.

O.K. what's the story on this one. Life sized oil portrait of a really upscale beautiful lady.
Looks like she has/had money.
She's either the First Wife or she cut everyone out of the will, or, or, or.
Why else would a portrait this big be hanging in an Antique Store--with a large
"Sale" tag hanging from it.

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