Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Brother and Sister-in-law arrived last night and today we headed for Ellis Island. One of my favorite places.

Bingo--Found a Great-Grandfather
The twins (born 15 years apart)

Why am I so fascinated with the unrestored buildings. I understand they are going to start restoring the hospital buildings. It would be great if they left part of it unrestored and took tours through it.

Also did the Jewish Holocaust Museum and Ground Zero, Wall Street and Trinity Church.
Home to crash


Annie said...

Judy, you are not living a life of quiet desperation!!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I love Ellis Island too! Have they restored some of the exhibits? So much was taken out for achival reasons the last time I was there.

Grand Life said...

Pat, there were a lot of personal things removed from the exhibit when we were there also. Seems like they should have enough backup resources they could subsitute something instead of having empty cases.
Thanks for visiting.