My Dad and Granddad
We always had dogs and horses
My Dad with our farm in the background
My Dad and Granddad
We always had dogs and horses
My Dad with our farm in the background
Why would a sane lady (o.k. the vote is still out on that one) tear out a fairly low maintenance yard 18 years ago and plant an extremely high maintenance one. One reason is that it was really good Therapy. Not cheaper than therapy considering the money we have spent on plants and everything that goes with them but alot more fun. My husband came home from work one summer day in 1990 and discovered I had taken a chain saw to the shrubs in the back yard. I did enough damage that we could only go forward. Re-did the entire N.E.S.W. of the yard and loved it. It gave me joy and good times to say nothing of aches and pains for several years. I don't think I once gave a thought to the fact that I was getting older each year and this was just going to get harder. For the past 4 years I have been trying to get it back to a managable amount of work. I have 500 bulbs for the spring and I plant things that will bloom in the fall-- because did I mention that we don't live here in the summer. Go figure. Can you tell I spent the entire day in the yard and I'm now looking for the industrial strength Ibuprofen.